Winter Wonderland in Central Park 2022 – Part Two

Hi friends, welcome back! I hoped for one more snowy day in NYC and boy did I receive! This past weekend a blizzard came through the city along with blistering winds and bone-chilling temperatures. When I woke up Saturday morning, it felt like my apartment was in a snow globe. Visibility was incredibly low and it seemed there was no end in sight. As much as I wanted to head straight to Central Park to capture part two of my Winter Wonderland series, the below zero windchill kept me at home in my warm apartment. Jon and I did go out Saturday for brunch and groceries in our neighborhood and it confirmed my good choice to stay close to home! My patience was greatly rewarded, and I had such a wonderful time walking through Central Park this past Monday! (If you missed part one of Winter Wonderland in Central Park, you can check it out here)

My intention for this adventure was to retrace my steps in Part One of my Central Park Fall Foliage tour, but this proved a little tricky with the paths all covered in snow. I started at the northern most part of Central Park at 110th Street and saw the Harlem Meer covered in snow and ice.  The geese were pretty aggressive, so I quickly stopped for some pictures and then continued on my way.

I looked forward to visiting The Conservatory Garden the most because it’s my favorite spot in the northern half of the park, but it’s undergoing some construction and some parts were roped off due to ice and snow. I was a bit disappointed, but it still looked beautiful blanketed in snow!


As I ventured on, I couldn’t believe how much bigger the park seemed all covered in snow.

I was so busy looking for fall foliage last time I was here, that I didn’t notice the cool view of the NYC skyline!

There were quite a few little Frostys scattered throughout the park. It seemed like there was endless amounts of snow in Central Park, I can only imagine how big of a snowman you could make with the right snow!

I headed towards The Pool and stumbled upon the waterfall I had been searching for, but couldn’t find the path to.

I was surprised The Pool wasn’t completely frozen, but the ducks seemed pretty happy about it!

My last stop for the day was the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. It looked so pretty with the trail covered in snow and the ice reflecting the sun on the pond. This reservoir gets up to 40 feet deep and holds over a billion gallons of water, so I’m guessing it wasn’t all the way frozen.

The skyline never gets old to me!

Lastly, if you’re like me and wondering how NYC clears the snow, one explanation is that they put it in giant bins. The city also has snow melter machines that are like a hot tub that turn snow into water, filter out the debris, and then the water goes into an approved sewer and eventually to the water treatment facility. I’ve seen large piles of snow miraculously disappear, but I haven’t seen one of these melter machines. Below are a few pictures from our walk after the storm Saturday, I’d hate to be the owner of one of those cars!

I hope you enjoyed part two of my Winter Wonderland in Central Park! I had the best afternoon wandering through the beautiful park and seeing it covered in snow. Now that I’ve had my two snow storms of the season, I’m ready for some spring weather ha!! I’m looking forward to all the Cherry Blossoms and flowers in full bloom  I won’t get my hopes up, but a girl can dream!!

29 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland in Central Park 2022 – Part Two

    1. Thank you! That winter gloom is the worst! It’s sunny now, but I think another storm is heading this way… Here’s to spring!!

  1. That’s interesting how they get rid of the snow. I’ve always wondered about that in a big city. Even in a small city they pile it in the middle of the street so you lose part of two lanes, then they just let it melt where it’s at. Sounds like NYC keeps your water quite safe.

    1. The rain and warm temperatures have almost melted all of the snow now, so crazy! I think they used to pile up the snow more, but then when it melted it would cause too much flooding. Snow sure is pretty but can cause a lot of headaches.

  2. Wow such beautiful winter photos. While the best time to visit New York is anytime, I would love to see it in winter as the city looks unique and extraordinary 😊

  3. A magical time in the city Lyssy and Central Park was the perfect place to capture the winter atmosphere. Loved the shot of Mom and child playing in the snow. Thanks for sharing another perfect picture post. Allan

    1. Thank you, Allan! The park is so magical when the snow is fresh and not turned to sludge. It’s almost all melted now with the rain and warm temperatures we’re having. I do love that picture 🙂

  4. It’s amazing how snow can change a landscape and give beautiful pictures. Well, it’s beautiful at the beginning but then come the problems, like these cars. I’m not ready to trade my snow-free winter in Paris.

    1. It is beautiful for a day or two, and then the sludge is pretty awful! Almost all the snow has melted because it has been warm and rainy the last few days. I’d be happy with a white Christmas and spring weather January-April 🙂

  5. I wondered how you and Jon fared with your “bomb cyclone” last week. We had one in Colorado a few years ago and it was rough. The snow was like shoveling bricks. I’ll remember your “aggressive geese” comment the next time I’m in Central Park – ha. Also, your pictures with no urban reference seem like they could be anywhere but the middle of NYC – so “country”. Having said that, I think my favorite is looking down the straight sidewalk, trees and chain fence on both sides, puddles of melted snow. I’ve always been a fan of symmetry.

    1. I enjoyed all the snow, mostly because I didn’t have to shovel or drive anywhere. I thought the geese would get out of my way on the sidewalk but it just snapped at me and made me jump 😅 it’s easy to forget you’re in nyc in the middle of Central Park! Without the cars and honking it’s an oasis. Thank you, I like that picture too!

  6. Lyssy, hope all is well. I am sitting here thinking that I just had a great walk in the park Thank you for letting me look behind your lens. It was very enjoyable and I stayed warm

    1. Thank you Thom, so glad you enjoyed! I hope you’re doing well and I’m glad I could take you on a warm, virtual walk 😄 it’s amazing how fast the snow melted!

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